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Chengdu Education Bureau is responsible for the approval of scholarship, formulation of allocation scheme, process guidance and explanation, and organization& implementation and strengthening the monitor of the funds. Chengdu Finance takes care of appropriating the funds based on the budget and relevant requirements and cooperating with other relevant departments to better the monitor and inspection. Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office is to propagandize the scholarship and identify the identity of the international students. Higher education institutions in Chengdu take charge of initial review and issuance of scholarship as well as publicizing the scholarship policies in the course of register for an examination and admission of international students each year with an aim to encourage and attract more excellent students from the Sister Cities to study in this region. h�Q�Tag�N Chapter  = 2 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT II Standards and Conditions 3u��VYf[ё�vf[u�^S_&{T NR�W,gag�N� Article  = 4 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT IV Scholarship applicants should meet the following basic conditions: 1.c gY�V�VM|�v�S�WlQl ��[NS�S}Y ���SOeP�^0 1. Scholarship applicants should be citizens from the Sister Cities with foreign nationalities, friendly to China and in good shape. 2.u��[-N�V?e�^�v�l�_�lĉ �h��so�}Y �&{T3u��f[!h�veQf[ag�N0 2. Scholarship applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese governments, have good performance, meeting the admission requirements of the school that he or she has applied for. 3.3u��1\��N�yb;e��f[�Xf[MO�vf[u ��^���_�vS_�N-N�Vؚ�~-Nf[�kN�vf[�Sb��fN�3u��;e��Ux�Xf[MO�vf[u ��^wQ gf[�Xf[MOb�vS_f[�S�3u��;e��ZS�Xf[MO�vf[u ��^wQ gUx�Xf[MOb�vS_f[�S0 3. Students who apply for a diploma or a bachelor�s degree should have a certificate that is equivalent to the certificate graduating from high schools in China; students who apply for the master�s degree should have a bachelor�s degree or equivalent; students who apply for a doctorate should have a master�s degree or equivalent. 4.(WɄؚ!hۏ�O^�f[�SYe��gP� N\�N N*Ng0 4. Scholarship applicants who would accept the non-degree education in higher education institutions in this region, the term of which should last not less than three months. 5.f[`N`�^�zck ��eݏ�S!h�~!hĉL�:N �b�~Oo�0 5. Scholarship applicants should have the right attitude to study, without breaking school rules and disciplines and having good academic performance. 6.�]���V�]wY�VYuf[u?e�^VYf[ё�vY�VYuf[u � N�QwQYVYf[ё�v3u��D�e Chapter  = 3 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT III Evaluation and Grant (WɄؚ!h9hnc,g�R�l�T,g!hYuf[u�bu��� �T^Ye��@\�c�QS_t^f[!h�S�WYuf[u�bu��R0 Article  = 6 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT VI Higher education institutions in this region should present the admission schemes of international students from Sister Cities for the current year to Chengdu Education Bureau in accordance with these regulations and their needs of enrolling international students. ċ�[\�~9hnc(WɄؚ!hYuf[u�bu��R0Yuf[uYe���v͑Ɖ z�^I{�V } �nx�[VYf[ёRM��eHh �1u^Ye��@\T(WɄؚ!h N��S_t^�vVYf[ёRM� T��0VYf[ё T���vRM�T(W�S g�W@x NYuf[u�bupeϑ�X�R0Yuf[u�W{Q gyrr��vؚ!h�N�N>P�e0 The evaluation team decides on the allocation scheme of scholarship in line with the admission schemes of international students from higher education institutions in this region and the importance of the international students education. Chengdu Education Bureau orders the number of scholarship allocation to the higher education institutions in this region. Higher education institutions that increase the number of international students and the training of international students with characteristics will be given more support in terms of the allocation of scholarship. cgqlQ_0lQs^0lQck0�bO�v�SR �VYf[ё�kf[gċ�[N!k0 Article  = 7 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT VII The evaluation of the Scholarship is conducted once a term on the basis of openness, fairness, impartiality and choosing the better. VYf[ёR�[�]\O1uTؚ!h�#��~�~�[�e �^Ye���VE��NAm-N�_�T^Y�N g�R-N�_�#�R�[�v Y8h0 Article  = 8 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT VIII Organizing and implementing the initial evaluation of scholarship should be taken care of by the relevant higher education institution; reviewing the initial evaluation by Chengdu Education Center for International Exchange and Chengdu Foreign Affairs Service Center. 8�   P R T V ~ � � � � � � � � � � � �$46prvx����*,24MNUVR`pr�����$&����ѳѳ��ѩ�������������������������������������������� hS�CJo(jh��CJUo( h��CJo( h��CJh��#jh��B*CJKHUo(phh��B*CJKHphh��B*CJKHo(phh�)h��CJ-�h��h%B*CJKHcHdht:go(ph8&8�� ~ � �$����������{q ��d�1$`�� & F��d�1$`����`�� & F��WD�`��$�d�1$WD`�a$gd�)$ & F�d�1$WD`�a$$�d�1$WD`�a$ $dh7$8$H$a$$dh7$8$H$a$gd%dh7$8$H$gd%o�t:gd&$a$ �~�PR`��&0p��&. ��������������� ��d�1$`�� ��d�1$WD�`��$��d�1$WD�`��a$��`�� & F��WD�`�� $d�1$a$ $ & Fd�1$a$ $��d�1$`��a$ d�1$gdS� $d�1$a$$ & F��d�1$`��a$&`bfh�&0pZ\��  ����  . �!�!�"8#�$�$&& &&&'&(&)&\'k'* ***X*Z*`*b*�*�*�*�*2+4+8+:+R-(.�/�/2<2L2N2�2�2�2�2�3�����������������������������ŵŵ�ũ�����������������������������hFN�B*CJo(phjh��B*CJUo(phh��B*CJo(phh��B*CJph h�V�CJo( h��CJh��jh��CJUo( h��CJo(B. �!�!�"8#�$&B) *�*�*R-(.U1<2�������������}$ & F ��d�1$`��a$ $��d�1$`��a$ $��d�1$`��a$$ & F��d�1$`��a$$����d�1$^��`��a$$ & F�pd�1$WD�`�pa$ ��d��WD�`�� $��d�1$`��a$ ��d�1$`��<2�3�375�D�I�I�K�KBN�NPP�Q�X�X�������������� & F ��d�1$WD�`�� ��d�1$`�� & F ��d�1$WD�`�� ��d�1$WD�`�� ��d�1$`��gd7 $��d�1$`��a$ ��d�1$`��gd##�$ & F ��d�1$`��a$ $��d�1$`��a$�3�344#4$4(4)4�4�4�4�46D�D�F�F�I�I~K�K@N�N�N�N�N�N�N�NPP�Q�Q�Q�Q�QRR2S4S�X�X�X�X�XYYY8Y�Y�Y�YZ Z$Z&Z�\�]�]�]�]�]�]�]Rb\blbnb�b�b�b�b�b8cHcJc�c�c�c�ce�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� h�1CJo(h�cY7�CJo(U h##�CJo(h��jh��CJUo( h��CJo( h��CJPTؚ!h9hnc,g�R�l6R�[VYf[ёċ�[�[�e�~R �v^�b^Ye��@\�[�gYHh0�S�WYuf[u c3u��b1\��ؚ!hlQ^�v�[�e�~R�c�Q3u�� �wQSO�v3u���e_0 z�^�TPg�eI{(Wċ�[\�~6R�[�vVYf[ё3u���R�l-Nfnx0 All the higher education institutions should formulate the detailed rules and regulations for scholarship revaluation based on these regulations and then submit such rules and regulations to Chengdu Education Bureau for reviewing and recording. International students from the Sister Cities should apply for such scholarship based on the application procedures or the detailed rules and regulations published by the schools where they are studying or apply for. The scholarship application procedures worked out by the evaluation team will give detailed information on the specific application forms, procedures and materials. ^Ye���VE��NAm-N�_�#��[ؚ!hR�[�v z�^�T3u��Pg�e�v�[Y'`ۏL� Y8h0 Chengdu Education Center for International Exchange is in charge of re-checking the completeness of the procedures and application materials that have been evaluated first by the higher education institution. ^Y�N g�R-N�_�#�Gl;`�S�WYuf[u3u���Oo` �_U\�[�S�WYuf[u���N�v���[�]\O �v^�Ǐ�S�W�VE��NAm��OS�R_U\VYf[ёy��v�v�[ O0 Chengdu Foreign Affairs Service Center is in charge of collecting the application information of international students from Sister Cities, identifying the identity of such student with publicizing the scholarship project with the help of International Exchange Department of Sister Cities. ^Ye��@\\VYf[ё�~eQ�蕄��{v^9hnc"�?eD�ё�[�c���^�[L�;`���c6R0 Article  = 9 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT IX Chengdu Education Bureau includes the amount of scholarship in its budget and arranges the amount of scholarship based on the financial funds to implement control on the total amount. Tؚ!h�^S_�[3u�bVYf[ё�vf[uۏL�R�[ �R�[Te�~��VYf[u ����S^Ye��@\0^?e�^Y�R�~NpS6R�vVY�R��fN0 Article  = 10 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT X All the higher education institutions should conduct initial evaluation on the applicants, publishing their names who pass the initial evaluation and, submit the initial results to Chengdu Education Center for International Exchange and Chengdu Foreign Affairs Service Center respectively for re-checking. Chengdu Education Bureau presents all the materials that have been re-checked and collected to the evaluation team, which conducts the final review on the initial and re-checked results, publishing the award list on the official websites of Chengdu Education Bureau and Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office respectively. All the higher education institutions are in charge of granting the scholarship to the prize winning students and issuing the award certificates that are printed by Chengdu Education Bureau and Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office. �{t�vcw Chapter  = 4 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT IV Management and Monitor ,{ASNag ċ�[\�~�[VYf[ё�vO(u0�{t0gbL�0�[b�T�~HeI{�eb�ۏL��vcw�Tċ0O0Tؚ!hVYf[ё�]\O�~Heċ0O�`�Q �\\O:N6R�[ NNt^�^VYf[ёRM��eHh�v�Onc0 Article  = 11 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT XI The evaluation team conducts monitor and assessment on the usage, management, implementation, completion and performance of scholarship. The scholarship performance assessment of all the higher education institutions will be taken as the basis of developing the allocation scheme for the following year. ,{AS�Nag (WɄؚ!h�_{�%NkN(u � N�_*bYu0$c`S0*c(uNy�D�ё0^Ye��@\0^?e�^Y�R�T^"�?e@\\�~�~�Rϑ � N�[g_U\�h�g�]\O � cgq 0"�?eݏ�lL�:NYZYRag�O 0��V�Rb��N,{427�S � ��[�S�s�vݏ�~ݏĉ� �ۏL�%N��Yt0 Article  = 12 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT XII All the higher education institutions in this region must carry out the provisions set out in national financial rules and these regulations strictly, make use of the special funds for specific purposes and it should not be held back, occupied or embezzled. Chengdu Education Bureau, Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office and Chengdu Finance will organize personnel to conduct checks on an irregular basis and deal with the violative issues seriously in accordance with the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Fiscal Acts (No. 427 State Council Order). D� R Chapter  = 5 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT V Supplementary Provisions ,g�R�l-N�v(WɄؚ!h�|c(WɄ�vYe����v^\nf�ؚ!h0�V�]w^\nf�ؚ!h�Tb��^^\ؚ!h0 Article  = 13 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT XIII The higher education institutions in this region mentioned in these regulations refer to the regular institutions of higher learning in this region that are directly under the Ministry of Education of the People s Republic of China, Sichuan provincial colleges and universities and Chengdu municipal higher education institutions. ,g�R�l��S^KN�ew��[�e � gHeg:N5t^0 Article  = 14 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT XIV These regulations will be implemented from the day when published, lasting for five years.      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