UPSI共有9所学院,它们分别是教育与人类发展学院(FPPM)、科学与数学学院 (FMST)、管理与经济学院 (FPE)、音乐与表演艺术学院 (FMSP)、人文科学学院 (FSK)、技术和职业教育学院 (FPTV)、体育科学与教练学院、语言与传播学院及艺术、电脑与创意工业学院(FSKIK)。UPSI提供54项课程供学生报读 (7项文凭课程、35项教育学士课程、4项教育学文学士课程和8项学士课程)。另外,UPSI研究生院(IPS) 一共提供173项课程供硕博生报读 (103项硕士课程和70项博士课程)。
至今,UPSI拥有超过29, 000学生。其中逾4000名是文凭生、逾10,000是本科生及逾5000名是研究生。这些学生来自超过20个不同国家,如中国、印度尼西亚、日本、泰国、汶莱、新加坡、乌兹别克斯坦、利比亚及巴基斯坦。与此同时,UPSI也聘请了逾30位来自各个领域外籍讲师传授学生专业知识,进行学术交流。逐年增加的研究生人数也显示了UPSI 在可持续发展的教育专业方面的成功。此外,UPSI也为逾10,000在职中小学老师提供各专业远程教育。
l 高中或同等学历以上,应往届学生,高中三年在校成绩75分以上
l 雅思6分或托福80分以上,如没有雅思或托福成绩需参加大学提供的英语强化课程,通过考核后进入专业课学习
学院 | 专业(英文) | 专业(中文) | 学费/马币 (全部学费) | 学制(年) |
Faculty of Management and Economics 管理与经济学院 | Bachelor of Education (Accountancy) with Honours | 会计教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Economics) with Honours | 经济教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Business Management) with Honours | 企业管理教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Accountancy with Honours | 会计荣誉学士 | 21680 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Entrepreneurship & Commerce) with Honours | 创业与商务教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Educational Management) with Honours | 教育管理教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Faculty of Languages and Communication 语言与传播学院 | Bachelor of Education (Malay Language) with Honours | 马来语教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Teaching English as a Second Language) with Honours | 英语作为第二语言教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Malay Literature) with Honours | 马来文学教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor in Education (Tamil Language) with Honours | 泰米尔语教育学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor in Chinese Language with Education | 中文教育学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor in Arabic Language with Education | 阿拉伯语教育学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Faculty of Music and Performing Arts 音乐与表演艺术学院 | Bachelor of Education (Music) with Honours | 音乐教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 |
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Dance) with Honours | 舞蹈表演艺术荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Theater) with Honours | 戏剧表演艺术荣誉学士 | 21680 | 4 | |
Faculty of Art Computing and Creative Industry 艺术、电脑与创意工业学院 | Bachelor of Education (Information Technology) with Honours | 信息技术教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Multimedia) with Honours | 多媒体教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Computer Aided Design Technology) with Honours | 计算机辅助设计技术教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Design (Animation) with Honours | 动画设计荣誉学士 | 22480 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Art) with Honours | 美术教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Art of Visual Communication) with Honours | 艺术视觉传达教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Design (Advertising) with Honours | 广告设计荣誉学士 | 22480 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Education Software) | 教育软件工程学士 | 22480 | 4 | |
Faculty of Science and Mathematics 科学和数学学院 | Bachelor of Education (Science) with Honours | 科学教育荣誉学士 | 17984 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) with Honours | 数学教育荣誉学士 | 17984 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) with Education | 数学理学教育学士 | 17984 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Biology) with Honours | 生物教育荣誉学士 | 17984 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Chemistry) with Honours | 化学教育荣誉学士 | 17984 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Physics) with Honours | 物理教育荣誉学士 | 17984 | 4 | |
Faculty of Education and Human Development 教育与人类发展学院 | Bachelor of Education (Guidance & Counseling) with Honours | 辅导与咨询教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) with Honours | (小学教育)教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Special Education) with Honours | (特殊教育)教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of (Psychology) with Honours | 心理学荣誉学士 | 21680 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) with Honours | 幼儿教育荣誉学士 | 21680 | 4 | |
Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching 体育科学与教练学院 | Bachelor of Education (Sport Science) with Honour | 体育科学教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Sport Psychology) with Honours | 体育心理学教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Coaching Science) with Honours | 教练科学教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) with Honours | (物理教育)教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Sport Science (Sports Rehabilitation) with Honours | (体育保健康复)体育科学荣誉学士 | 21680 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Sport Science (Sport Psychology) with Honours | (体育心理学)体育科学荣誉学士 | 21680 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Sport Science (Coaching Science) with Honours | (教练科学)体育科学荣誉学士 | 21680 | 4 | |
Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education 技术和职业教育学院 | Bachelor of Education (Living Skills) with Honours | (生存技能)教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Home Economics) with Honours | (家庭经济)教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Agricultural Science) with Honours | (农业科技)教育荣誉学士 | 19264 | 4 | |
Faculty of Human Sciences 人文科学学院
| Bachelor of Education (History) with Honours | 历史教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 |
Bachelor of Education (Geography) with Honours | 地理教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Moral Education) with Honours | (道德教育)教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Education (Islamic Education) with Honours | (回教教育)教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 | |
Bachelor of Malaysian Studies with Education with Honours | 马来西亚研究与教育荣誉学士 | 16864 | 4 |